Like many men before him, Nick Barbone is heading West. A trip to the VC & Char Bar was in order. As usual a good time was had by all at the Char Bar:
- There was a fight.
- While a guy was getting thrown out he said the following to the bartender: “Chuck you know me! My friend died here”.
- Myles Tersnak made an appearance.
- Myles Tersnak made a disappearance.
- Southern Football was discussed.
At some point the question of the unspeakable was asked. Of course the majority of us never took part in such an act. As you will see in the photographs below some one has:
It’s the question that drives us…
Drives us to do dirty, dirty, acts (that smell like poo).
Im not ashamed. I do what is requested of me, and accept what is given to me