St. Patrick's Day.


This past Saturday was another successful St. Patrick’s Day (past St. Pat’s: 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008).  Like last year we headed to Ginger’s Ale House where Dan was able to secure our table at 9:30am. Except for the occasional pub crawl the bar wasn’t nearly as packed as was last year.  We managed to last about 10 hours at Ginger’s before the crowd broke up and some of us found our way to Finley Dunnes.  As in years past there was a black eye and a fish fry on Sunday.

Various parts of the day that were of interest:

  1. Gary Busey making an appearance.
  2. Ted ‘Million Dollar Man’ Dibiase making an appearance.
  3. A raging makeout session at the bar in the middle of the day.
  4. The time when Jeff insulted the honor of some woman (contrary to popular believe Chivalry is clearly not dead).
  5. The entire afternoon when some douchbag decided to play depressing Irish folk songs for several hours and Nick Barbone kept attacking the jukebox in response.

A good time was had by all.


Below is the last photograph of James & Josh, the time stamp reads 8:59pm… there’s no telling what really happened after that point in the night.


*The rest of the photographs can be found on Flickr.