3rd Annual Santa Pub Crawl Invite.

Once again it’s that time of year for the old man to put on the boots and head out for a jolly good time. You’re invited to Santa’s Pub Crawl on Friday, December 11th. The route is set and we plan to navigate Southport starting at Southport Lanes at 8pm and head North as far as we get. Santa plans to bring along a helper with a Polaroid camera and enough film for everyone who wants one. I know, you may be thinking how does Santa have Polaroid film as they stopped producing instant film in 2008?

Well, the answer is obvious: Elves.

Santa would prefer you to buy him a beer or two because he has all those damn kids to worry about in a couple weeks and teaching Elves to manufacture instant film has been a managerial feat to say the least.

Please use the comments to let me know if you plan to take part.

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17 thoughts on “3rd Annual Santa Pub Crawl Invite.

  1. Vixen

    The reindeer may not make it because the antlers have been lost but we have something else in mind to make it festive!

  2. Blythe

    Ben and I will be there. And (now that I see it’s a week later than I thought) we’ll probably have some mediocre costumes to contribute. Ho ho ho.

  3. Miami Matt

    Maybe Santa has Polaroid film b/c he has an in with Thomas Petters Group or one of his multiple charitable endeavors he will have to run from prison.

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