2013: BTN BIG10K (5k)

This past Saturday I ran the 5k portion of the BTN Big 10K once again. The size of the race more than doubled since last year making it more of a challenge to get a beer after the event. I felt pretty good until about the last mile and then I pretty much fell off a cliff. I did manage to pick it up during the final stretch and probably passed 14 people including two Michigan State guys dressed in full-on Spartan regalia. Considering the strong finish, and the data my app was spitting out, I was pretty convinced that I had vastly improved my time. Later that evening I checked and my official time was 33:50. I felt pretty good about it until I compared it to my time last year which was 34:02. Which basically means if I didn’t haul ass for the last 50 yards I would have surely finished worse than last year.

Rather depressing but at least I beat Jim Delany by nearly 6 minutes.

Side Notes:
* Oddly enough the Rutgers mascot, The Scarlet Knight made an early appearance.
** Also, Julie continues her tradition of tracking down the lone Heisman Trophy winner at the post race party, this time 2001 winner Eric Crouch.