Tag Archives: Columbus

Heading West (Manifest Destiny?).

James, Nick Barbone & Justin Largent at Char Bar.All that was left after Myles teleportation was a couple of surgical gloves.

Like many men before him, Nick Barbone is heading West. A trip to the VC & Char Bar was in order.  As usual a good time was had by all at the Char Bar:

  1. There was a fight.
  2. While a guy was getting thrown out he said the following to the bartender: “Chuck you know me! My friend died here”.
  3. Myles Tersnak made an appearance.
  4. Myles Tersnak made a disappearance.
  5. Southern Football was discussed.

Kyle Neugebauer in all his glory.Kyle and JJ discussing the finer points of Southern Football.Pondering the idea of Myles Tersnak’s ability to teleport out of a bar.img_8532.jpgimg_8541.jpgAt one point in the evening JJ decided the answer to any question was simply SEC SPEED!Always James’ idea.Nick and Alex discussing the unthinkable.Choices like this make White Castle a good idea.White Castle indeed.The end.A rare glimpse of the North American Tersnak can be seen in the background of this photograhp.

At some point the question of the unspeakable was asked. Of course the majority of us never took part in such an act. As you will see in the photographs below some one has:

The Question.The Anwser.The Reaction.

A night at Tommy Keegan's.

Nick Baughman, Jamel Wittenberg, Nik Bronder, Gary Massey at Tommy Keagan’s.The barkeep.

After arriving in Columbus I met up with The Baugman’s and we headed to Club 185 to meet up with some additional Heights alums. At one point some one suggested a place to go dancing and as most of you know Nik Bronder does not dance. So we headed to Tommy Keegan’s where there were a total of 3 other people in the bar besides us.

Baughman and Gary.The distinguished Gary Massey.The entire gang.Jamel and his wife.Jen Baughman & Jamel.Baughman is a maniac.img_8485.jpgimg_8496.jpgFists of Fury

After Nick Baughman’s reign of terror the Brewery District will never be the same.

Reign of Terror.img_8474.jpgimg_8476.jpg

*Side Note:

There was no property destruction at Club 185.

Char Bar (Holiday Weekend).


Like many of the people in the photographs below I traveled to Columbus this past week for Thanksgiving. On Friday night a bunch of us got together once again at Char Bar for a couple drinks and a discussion about my wardrobe. I managed to leave my camera in Chicago due to our last minute departure but with a little luck and some game time decisions I manged to acquire a camera.

A Polaroid camera.

Granted the images aren’t great and the film is expensive but I think the camera served it’s purpose.
